5 Key Reasons Why Your Site Should Be Mobile Friendly?
Over 50% of sales come from mobile or tablet devices, so from this stat alone why would you not make the site mobile friendly? We are still amazed that every month we get 1-3 companies that either come to us or we pick up that their site is not mobile friendly. Some do something about it straight away, others do not. Here are some reasons why making your site mobile friendly shouldn't be a second thought:
As highlighted above, more than 50% of sales come from a mobile or tablet device. You are missing out on sales if your site is not mobile friendly.
Hard to navigate as a customer. If you have ever been on a site that is mobile friendly it is very hard to move around the website as things are out of focus and you keep having to zoom in and out. Customers will just get frustrated and exit the site.
Non mobile friendly sites load slower. On average if a page doesn't load between 3-5 seconds, then they will likely click away. It might even be that if it takes 5 seconds or longer the customer doesn’t even get to your home page as they have already clicked away.
Google will penalise you against those sites that are mobile friendly. Google are far less likely to show it from searches on a mobile because they won't want to send you to a site that doesn't work on your current device.
It could also be argued that the customer doesn't trust your company and brand due to the poor design of the website. You have lost the sale before the customer has even fully entered the website.
If these 5 reasons do not compel you to make your site mobile friendly, then you are basically saying you are happy to lose 50% of the sales you may have made otherwise.
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