Why Custom OpenCart Extensions Cost Thousands While Generic Ones Start at $20

Posted by JackBudd on July 12, 2024

When you browse the OpenCart marketplace, you might notice that many extensions are available for as little as $20. Yet if you enquire about having a custom extension developed for your specific needs, the quote can run into the thousands. At first glance, this price discrepancy might seem confusing but let's break it down.

The True Cost of Custom Development

Creating a custom OpenCart extension requires a significant investment of development time and expertise. Here's how the costs add up:

Development Time: Developing a custom extension can take anywhere from 20 to 30 hours. This varies based on the complexity of the requirements and the specific functionality needed.

Developer Rates: High-quality and experienced developers such as ourselves, typically charge around £100 per hour. This is a fair rate considering the specialised skills and experience in OpenCart required to deliver a reliable and efficient solution.

  • 20 hours x £100 per hour = £2000+VAT
  • 30 hours x £100 per hour = £3000+VAT

Given these figures, the cost to develop a custom extension can range from £2000 to £3000

Why Clients Bear the Full Cost

When you commission a custom extension, you are paying for a unique solution tailored to your specific needs. Unlike off-the-shelf extensions, which are sold to multiple customers to recoup development costs, a custom extension is a one-off project. This means:

Full Coverage of Costs: Since we, as developers, cannot spread the development cost across multiple clients, the full cost must be covered by the commissioning client.

Common Misconception:  A frequent question we encounter is "Can't you build it for me for $50 because it's a great idea and then sell it to make the money back?"

The reality is, it's unlikely that there will be enough demand for your specific extension to cover the development costs. Your requirements are unique, and while others might have similar needs, the chances of many clients needing the exact same functionality are slim.

Even with the best ideas, there's no guarantee of enough sales to make up the initial investment.

Value of Custom Extensions

While the initial cost of a custom OpenCart extension might seem high, it’s important to consider the value it brings:

Tailored Solution: You receive a product that is specifically designed to meet your business needs, providing a seamless fit into your operations.

Competitive Edge: A custom extension can offer functionality that sets your business apart from competitors who rely on generic solutions.

Long-term Benefits: Investing in a custom extension can lead to increased efficiency, better customer experiences, and ultimately, higher profitability.

Examples of Custom Extensions

Extensions we initially built for specific clients, which are versatile enough to be useful for other stores, and are now available on the OpenCart marketplace include:

  • Antropy Blog - This extension adds a blog to your OpenCart store which integrates seamlessly with the rest of the site.
  • Antropy EU VAT Extension - This extension automatically exempts EU customers from VAT if they have a valid VAT number. It adds an extra VAT number field to customer account details and checks if it is valid - no reliance on special customer groups or custom fields.

Unique, complex custom extensions developed at our clients' request include:

In conclusion, the cost of developing custom OpenCart extensions is a reflection of the time, effort, and OpenCart expertise required to create a solution that is uniquely yours. While off-the-shelf extensions can be inexpensive due to their wide availability, custom extensions provide unmatched value and functionality tailored specifically to your business needs.

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