Mercers Furniture OpenCart Rebuild
Posted by AlexDobson on August 1, 2022
We always enjoy undertaking rebuilds for current clients and this one was no different. We worked with Mercers Furniture on quite a few occasions before we were given the task of upgrading their OpenCart store. The client’s old site was on OpenCart version so was in need of an upgrade and refresh.
Although we normally use one of our Antropy Themes, the client wanted to keep their Fastor Theme they had been using with their old site. The client wanted to keep the site looking as close to the old site as possible; so we didn’t adjust the layout of the theme but simply changed the colours to match the current site.
The sites were switched over without any problems and the client was very happy with the end result. If you are looking for an OpenCart rebuild then please do email us at or give us a call on +44 208 123 1273.
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